Further information about applying


The following FAQs apply to applicants in London

Making an application

What is the recruitment process for training contracts and placement schemes?

1. Application form


The first stage is an online application form. You will be asked about your education, any previous work experience and two longer answer questions that will delve into your motivations for applying to the role. You will also be asked to review some information and provide a short summary answer.


Top tips:

  • Triple check before submitting! Ask someone to proof read your application and ensure that you haven't missed any spelling or grammar errors.
  • Include as much work experience as possible. This does not just have to be legal experience, we want to hear about any volunteering / extra-curricular activities / any work you've been doing.


2. Future potential assessment


If you pass the application form stage, you will be invited to complete our Future Potential Assessment.


Our Future Potential Assessment involves some numerical and verbal questions, as well as scenario-based reasoning. These are not testing specific legal knowledge as we encourage applications from any degree background and level of prior legal experience. You'll be given scenarios within which you can apply your intellect and creativity to typical trainee scenarios.


Whilst the assessment is untimed, it typically takes approximately 45 minutes to complete.


3. Online video interview


The video interview immediately follows the online assessment and is designed for us to learn more about you! There will be a mixture of motivational and skills questions.


Top tips:

  • Take your time to prepare your answers rather than rushing straight in. 
  • Make sure you're in a quiet, distraction-free place whilst you are on camera.


The video interview is the final stage if you are applying for a placement scheme.


 4. Assessment centre for a training contract


If you have applied for a placement scheme, the assessment centre will take place during the scheme. If you have applied for a direct training contract then you will be invited to a half-day assessment centre if you are successful following the video interview.


The assessment centre consists of a presentation, interview and a commercial awareness exercise. You will meet and be assessed by a partner and a member of HR.


Top tips:

  • Take every opportunity to showcase your achievements – try not to repeat yourself and use opportunities to talk about different areas of your life.
  • Try to relax and be yourself – the exercises for the assessment day are designed to allow you to showcase your strengths, they are not designed to catch you out.
  • Think of some questions that you would like to ask the interviewers – remember this is a two way process and we are keen for you to ensure that you have all the information you need to make your career decisions.

How can I make my application stand out?

To make your application stand out, you should: 

  • Think about where you have gone beyond the usual and take the opportunity to shine. Highlight situations where you have made an active contribution beyond what you would expect from someone in your position. This can be situations where you have made improvements or taken responsibility. 
  • Research the firm. Demonstrate you have done your research in your application form. Particularly in your response to the question asking about your motivations for applying to the firm . 
  • Check that your written English is accurate and professional. It may be useful to draft your application, then review it the next day to check for errors. Also make sure you spell the name of the firm correctly! 

What is the best way to gain a real insight into life at Stephenson Harwood as a candidate?

To gain a real insight into the firm and life as a trainee, follow us on our social media.

What qualities/attributes does the firm look for?

We look for four key qualities in our recruitment process. These qualities are looked at from your online application form to the assessment centre. They are:


  • Strong intellect

This looks at your analytical thinking, judgement of situations, and imagination for problem solving.


  • Approach

This looks at how you deal with setbacks and problem solving, looking at how you approach challenging situations.


  • Communication skills

This looks at how to interact with others and build rapport.


  • Commercial outlook

This looks at your interest in the commercial world as well as your interest in our firm.


Should I include details of non-legal work experience, e. g. business/commercial work, volunteer/charity work in my application form?

Yes, please include all types of work you have undertaken. This can help demonstrate that you have considered other career options; picked up transferable skills; and/or gained an understanding of another sector or industry. You should comment on the skills and competencies you are able to develop, as well as the tasks and responsibilities you were given and any specific learning points.

Do we accept applications from those who have qualified in to another jurisdiction?

Yes, we accept applications from anyone who has qualified in to another jurisdiction and wishes to undergo a training contract at the firm to become qualified as a solicitor in England & Wales.

What are my options if I have done a law degree overseas?

Unless it is an England & Wales qualifying law degree you will need to complete the Postgraduate Diploma in Law (PGDL) before the Solicitor's Qualifying Exam (SQE). After this, you can complete a two-year training contract with the firm.

What if I do not have equivalent qualifications for secondary education?

If you are an international student you may not have equivalent qualifications for secondary education. If so, please provide as much detail as possible about the nature of your secondary school qualifications; the grading system and any further information which will be useful to the assessor in screening your application.

What should I do if there were mitigating circumstances around my academic qualifications?

If you have mitigating circumstances that have affected your academic grades, please ensure to provide details of this on the application form. If appropriate, explain what you have learn from the experience and how you have developed your skills or adapted your approach since that time.

Do we consider applications from candidates who have a 2:2?

We will consider candidates that have been awarded a 2:2 in their degree if they have mitigating circumstances or can demonstrate their abilities in other ways, such as work experience.

When can I apply for a training contract/ placement scheme and am I eligible to apply?

We are currently recruiting for training contracts that begin in 2026. Students can only apply for a placement scheme and/or training contract if they are able to start their training contract in 2026.  Penultimate year law students, final year non-law students or those who have progressed past this point may apply for training contracts and placement schemes. 

We review applications on a rolling basis but never make offers to fill all our places before the application deadline. 

I am not eligible to apply for a training contract/ placement scheme. What other opportunities are available ?

If you are not yet eligible to apply for a placement scheme and/or training contract, you may apply for an open day at the firm. We offer both virtual and London office open days. 

We offer a one-week work experience scheme to current year 12 students . To find out more about our Bright Sparks programme, visit the London section of our website.  

If I am not successful first time around, can I reapply?

Yes, if you are unsuccessful with your first application you can reapply. However, you can only apply once in every recruitment window (1 October - 31 July). If you wish to reapply, you should think about how you can improve on your application.

When can I expect to hear back about my application?

We respond to all applicants to let them know the outcome of their application once we have made decisions. We understand that you are keen to hear back from us and we try to get decisions to you as soon as possible. However, while we review applications throughout the year, we never make offers to fill all our places before the application deadline. So if you haven't heard from us in the meantime, your application is still under consideration. If you are unsure or would like further clarification, please feel free to contact us by email at future.talent@shlegal.com

I have a disability. Will you make adjustments in the selection process?

We are committed to supporting disabled and neurodiverse candidates to perform at their best in our selection process and  we'd be happy to discuss potential adjustments with you. We have previously provided a range of adjustments for candidates during the selection process, such as additional time in assessments, larger fonts for written work, print out documents, alternative ways of asking interview questions and pre-assessment phone calls about the format of the assessment. If you would like to discuss what adjustments we can provide, please get in touch with us on email at future.talent@shlegal.com.


We are part of the Government's 'offer an interview scheme. The 'offer an interview' scheme is available to any disabled applicant who meets the essential criteria for a job vacancy, as per the UK Government's Disability Confident Scheme.

How can I prepare for my online video interview?

The online video interview will immediately follow the online assessment. Before the interview:

  1. Preparation is key! Before any interview you should research the firm and have an understanding of your own experiences and what skills you have gained from these.
  2. Make sure you're in a quiet spot. Try to avoid interviewing in a busy space and minimise distractions like a noisy pet or people moving around.
  3. If there are any adjustments you’d like the future talent team to know before your interview, please send an email or call the future talent team and we can accommodate these.


During the interview:

  1. You should expect a variety of questions. These could include topics like 'why would you like to work here?' and 'why do you want to be a lawyer?'. These are also known as motivational questions. You may also be asked some competency questions such as, 'tell me about a time you've worked in a team' or 'give an example of when you have solved a problem'.
  2. Try and remain calm. Before answering any questions take some time to think about what you've been asked and choose the best possible reasons or example.
  3. Remember – everyone gets nervous, this is totally normal!
The assessment day

What three top tips can you provide to those participating in an assessment day?

  • Take every opportunity to showcase your achievements – try not to repeat yourself and use opportunities to talk about different areas of your life.
  • Try to relax and be yourself – the exercises for the assessment day are designed to allow you to showcase your strengths, they are not designed to catch you out.
  • Think of some questions that you would like to ask the interviewers – remember this is a two way process and we are keen for you to ensure that you have all the information you need to make your career decisions.

Are there any ways in which I can prepare for the case study element in the assessment day?

Our commercial awareness exercise has been designed so that all students from a range of backgrounds can do well, either from a law or non-law background.  

No legal knowledge is required and all the materials will be provided to you on the day.

Whilst you do not need to prepare anything in advance for the exercise, you may want to think about how you can develop your commercial awareness.

One suggestion for practising this would be to take an article from a business journal or newspaper about an unfamiliar subject. Give yourself a set amount of time to read the article and come to a view on the topic considering, for example:
-    What are the issues?
-    What is the short term versus long term situation?
-    What are the strengths / weaknesses / opportunities / challenges?

How can I best prepare for the presentation element in the assessment day?

You will be given the brief for the presentation to prepare in advance.  Once you have been given the brief think about:  
-    The structure – How will you start and end the presentation?
-    Your research – What sources will you use?
-    The content – What topic will you choose to speak about within the context of the brief given?  Will this fulfil the brief given to you?

When do assessment centres take place?

We hold assessment centres throughout the year, but the majority take place in August. If you have been successful in securing a place on one of our assessment centres, once we have confirmed our assessment centre dates, we will send you an email so you can book onto a suitable slot. 

The placement scheme

How many places are available for placement schemes?

There are ten places available on each scheme. We run one scheme in winter for one week, one in spring and two in the summer each lasting two weeks. 

What is the best way to immerse yourself into life at Stephenson Harwood as a placement scheme student?

During the placement scheme you will benefit from an organised programme of interactive sessions, talks and social events. You will also get to meet some of our current trainees and ask them any questions you have about life as a trainee at the firm.

Before coming along to one of the scheduled events, have a think about what you would like to gain from the session and think about possible questions you may want to ask the speaker in advance. Being interested and enthusiastic when given a task to complete will ensure that people will want to involve you in more work throughout the placement.

What is unique to Stephenson Harwood?

We pride ourselves on support and development at the firm. We recognise that there is not a one-size-fits-all approach to your training contract. Our support starts as soon as you receive your offer with us, we will keep in touch with monthly email updates about life at the firm. Once you start your SQE we have regular evening presentations hosted by our practice groups which will help to bring your studies to life. When your first day arrives, you'll be given an induction programme that will help you develop the skills that you will need throughout your training contract. During your two year training contract you will have regular catch ups with your supervisor and HR to ensure you are on the right track for success. 

Are placement scheme students considered for training contracts?

Candidates that apply for a placement scheme with us are automatically considered for a training contract as they are required to attend an assessment centre during their placement.

Does the firm offer work experience outside the placement scheme?

Due to high demand the firm is unable to accept work experience requests.

The training contract

How does the firm's tailored trainee programme affect each trainee's experience?

There are lots of opportunities at Stephenson Harwood; with seats in a range of practice areas, international and client secondments, prospects to be involved in CSR and D&I projects, and the chance to work closely with senior colleagues and partners. 
Every seat is a different journey, each designed to give you a broad balance of commercial awareness and practical legal experience, plus the flexibility to move between projects and pick up new skills. There will be plenty of challenges along the way, but also lots of support.

What type of work do trainees get involved in?

Our trainees are exposed to as much responsibility as they can shoulder. Every trainee will have access to top quality international work across a range of sectors. Whichever practice you join, you can expect extensive exposure to our clients and stimulating, cutting edge projects. You could find yourself working on anything from a high profile £multi-million financial litigation case to a ground breaking M&A deal. 

What international secondment opportunities are available during the training contract?

International secondments are available in Dubai, Hong Kong, Paris, Seoul and Singapore. Client secondments are also available. These vary from time to time.

Are client secondments available during the training contract?

We offer our trainees the opportunity to apply for client secondments. There are usually a couple of opportunities available each seat. Working with an in-house legal team will give you a valuable insight into a client's business and how you can work more effectively as a private practice lawyer to meet the needs of a client.

What is the process for applying for an international or client secondment?

The process for applying for an international or client secondment is simple.  All secondment opportunities are advertised to all trainees every six months. If you wish to apply you will need to submit a mini CV and a business case. Your seat reviews will be considered alongside these documents. The HR team will help you to prepare your CV and business case and will be there to support you during your secondment.  

Is an international secondment or client secondment a realistic opportunity?

We have a high number of trainee secondment opportunities, approximately seven international secondments each seat. Whilst we cannot guarantee that you will be able to complete an international or client secondment, there is a high possibility that you will be able to do so, providing you are flexible with dates and location.

Do we consider time to count applications?

We expect all of our trainees to complete a full two years training contract and therefore we do not accept time to count requests.

Life at Stephenson Harwood

What are the characteristics of a typical trainee at Stephenson Harwood?

There is no one type of trainee at Stephenson Harwood. All our trainees all have different backgrounds, different interests and different strengths. Working with a diverse mix of people is one of the highlights of working at our firm. We encourage you to bring your unique qualities to the firm and be enthusiastic about the work you will be doing.

What diversity networks do you have at the firm?

Diversity and inclusion is extremely important to us as a firm. We want to create an environment where everyone feels supported, engaged and challenged in order to fulfil their potential. We want all people to be themselves when they are at work.

Our employee networks are for, and run by, our people. They support their members in many ways, including creating a sense of belonging by celebrating diversity, connecting people across the business and working with the wider community. Whatever your role or level, you can contribute to fostering our inclusive and healthy culture from the outset by joining one of our employee networks:

  • SHARED (race and ethnic diversity)
  • Gender equality
  • Enable (disability and neurodiversity)
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • SHout (LGBT+)
  • Social mobility.

How do you support health and wellbeing in the firm?

We offer a range of programmes and benefits to support our people's wellbeing, from access to counselling and medical advice through the firm's benefits, to workshops and courses delivered by medical professionals at HCA Healthcare. 

We have a partnership with Hello Self, a private clinical pscyhologist, to provide free one-to-one appointments for anyone at the firm.

What if I have a question that is not covered by these FAQs?

If you have any additional questions please feel free to contact the future talent team on future.talent@shlegal.com and we will be happy to help.


The following FAQs apply to applicants in Dubai

What qualities/attributes does the firm look for?

We look for strong intellect, with good analytical skills, sound judgment, imagination and meticulous attention to detail. Communication skills are vital to be persuasive and build rapport. Plenty of drive and determination is needed, along with a keen interest in business.

What is the recruitment process for training contracts?

  • Online application form
  • Online future potential assessment
  • Online video interview
  • Placement scheme
  • Assessment centre – this consists of presentation, interview and case study exercise.

What three top tips can you provide to those participating in an assessment day?

  • Take every opportunity to showcase your achievements – try not to repeat yourself and use opportunities to talk about different areas of your life.
  • Try to relax and be yourself – the exercises for the assessment day are designed to allow you to showcase your strengths, they are not designed to catch you out.
  • Think of some questions that you would like to ask the interviewers – remember this is a two way process and we are keen for you to ensure that you have all the information you need to make your career decisions.

What should I do if there were mitigating circumstances around my academic qualifications?

Please provide details on the application form. If appropriate, explain what you have learnt from the experience and how you have developed your skills or adapted your approach since that time.

Should I include details of non-legal work experience, e. g. business/commercial work, volunteer/charity work?

Yes, this can help demonstrate that you have considered other career options; picked up other transferrable skills; and/or gained an understanding of another sector or industry. You should comment on the skills and competencies you were able to develop, as well as the tasks and responsibilities you were given and any specific learning points.

What three top tips can you provide to those completing the application form?

  • Think about where you have gone beyond the usual and take the opportunity to shine. Highlight situations where you have made a contribution beyond what you would expect from a student, i.e. situations where you have made improvements, taken responsibility, etc.
  • Research the firm. Demonstrate you have done your research in your application form. Particularly in response to the question, 'why would you like to join Stephenson Harwood?'.
  • Check your written English is accurate and professional. It may be useful to draft your application, then review it the next day to check for errors. Make sure you spell the name of the firm correctly.

When can I expect to hear back about my application?

We respond to all applicants to let them know the outcome of their application once we have made decisions. We understand that you are keen to hear back from us and we try to get decisions to you as soon as possible. However, please note that whilst we review applications throughout the year we never make offers to fill all our places before the application deadline. So if you haven't heard from us from the time being, you application is still under consideration. If you are unsure or would like further clarification, please feel free to contact us by email at future.talent@shlegal.com 

What if I have a question that is not covered by these FAQs?

Please feel free to contact us on 0044 207 809 2630 or by email future.talent@shlegal.com and we will be happy to help.

Hong Kong

The following FAQs apply to applicants in Hong Kong

What is the assessment process?

  1. Online application form
  2. Written test for Chinese and English language skills with initial interview
  3. Further interviews during the course of the internship

What qualities/attributes does the firm look for?

We look for strong intellect, with good analytical skills, sound judgment, imagination and meticulous attention to detail. Communication skills are vital to be persuasive and build rapport. Plenty of drive and determination is needed to meet challenging goals.

Where is the office based in Hong Kong?

18/F, United Centre
95 Queensway

What are the culture and values in the Hong Kong office?

In an industry where technical know-how is a given, we differentiate ourselves by our honesty, creative thinking and attention to client care. Our lawyers are bright, fun, commercially minded and have strong inter-personal skills. We achieve this by focusing on talent recruitment and enrichment across all aspects of our human resource management. We aim to ensure that our clients have access to top-notch, consistent and unequivocal legal advice in plain language wherever we operate.

How many places are available for placement schemes?

There are two schemes which take place in June and there are eight places available on each scheme. This makes 16 places in total.

What secondment opportunities are available during the training contract?

International secondments are available in London and Shanghai.

What training and development opportunities are available during the training contract?

  • Practical 'on-the-job' training by sharing an office and working with one of our partners or senior solicitors.
  • Stimulating work with lots of responsibility early on.
  • An in-house programme of legal education and soft skills training.
  • Continuous review of your career development both during your training contract and after qualification.
  • An opportunity to complete a secondment in our London or Shanghai offices.